Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Spread the Barcamp fever!!!!! ((((((((((((|barcampGhana08|)))))))))))))))

BarcampGhana 2008 was held in Accra Ghana on 22 December @ AITI bring together techies, entrepreneurs, volunteers and students across Ghana, Africa and the World to share in knowledge, challenges, ideas..........

Keynote speakers where Herman Chinery-Hesse, CEO Soft tribe, Estelle Akofio-Sowah, MD Busyinternet and Dr. George Ayittey Lecturer, writer and motivational speaker.

Herman Chinery-Hesse - On entrepreneurship in Ghana: "Learning how to lose and not give up is part of the game"....."Innovation does not occur in a vacuum".... 

Dr. George Ayittey -The Cheetah Generation: A generation of young people who are self sufficient and dont depend on government for assistance..... 

Estelle Sowah - if you run a business in Ghana - you are a hustler. The bigger the business the more posh of a hustler you are..... The next four years are going to be great!...Successful business will drive Ghana's economy forward.....who is going to win the elections? Answer: "We the people".......

Panel Discussion - Mobile Technology and Social media.  Also had a lot of networking  and interesting and educative Breakout Sessions.

A great event and thanks to everyone who participated and helped made it a successes ..... :-)

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